Welcome to the Residential Construction's Online System!
Thank you for quoting, binding & issuing your
Residential and Light Commercial Builder's Risk policies with
Great American Insurance Group
Feel free to call any one of us in the Residential Construction team with questions:
Eli Frazier - 513.412.0384
Nick Nance - 513.828.8114
Lorin Rogers - 513.412.4600
Alyssa Wingerberg - 513.412.4062
Sign in below to Quote, Bind & Issue or review your single location policies.
To request access to this online system, please email GreatBuilderUSA@GAIG.com and include your name, email address, phone # and Agency Name.
For system issues, please contact the Great American Customer Care team at:
Toll free (800) 543-1150
Local Cincinnati, OH (513) 369-3663
Email: CustomerCare@gaig.com